Saturday 16 November 2013

Blessed Beyond Measure By Tammy Niemi

We are blessed beyond measure.
We hold within us heavenly treasure.
We are free to worship the Son.
We can declare Him the Risen One.
Our heavens are open with no opposition.
There is not a demonic stronghold to challenge our position.
Our sins like the snows are declared white,
and we are made acceptable in His sight.
Though the winds are bitter and cut through to the marrow of bone,
so too the truth cuts through to reveal who is HIS own.
Let the redeemed see God in every kind of weather,
and let our gratitude to Him be a tether.
We must be humble and occupy this land,
we have to be ready to testify and take a stand.
We are entering a time of blessing and of open doors,
that will rise to the heights of mountains and the distant shores.
Not everyone who calls upon the Lord will hear His voice,
but now He is searching the world for those to make the bold choice.
Cast off all that hinders, and the dazzle of the world that makes us blind.
Status stagnates and the praise of men does bind.
Forms of Godliness do not compare with the truth of God that saves us from the snare.
Let us mount with wings of eagles and fly in defiance of the storm and gale and know that Yeshua our Lord will always prevail!

Thursday 15 August 2013


Satan fears our boldness yet God honors it as He honors our faith--so let us then BOLDLY come before the throne of grace and claim the promises of God for our lives! 

God is our preservation and our provision--and when we seek His Heart, we will see with His eyes and catch His Vision! For some their life is recovery, for some their life is healing, but all in all it is HIS WILL HE is revealing! 

Disciples have a destiny and our discipline is a reasonable act of service...HIS Glory should be our story and HIS Grace allows us to see HIS Face--Children of the KING with HIS salvation we bring--The trappings of this world are a trap and status causes us to stagnate. 

Those who walk humbly before their God will be exalted in due time--and the humble may come boldly before their God because of HIS grace....Oh the glory illuminates and new beginnings our God creates! Throw off all that hinders and take of with hinds feet like the graceful gazelle and leap into the arms of the Master--our Savior, savor HIM and HIS Presence--let it transform, restore, heal, and draw you into maturity...The joy of the Lord is your strength and may it explode in your chest like fireworks or a supernova and illuminate your face with the shine and smile of the love of the Father ---may you feel His joy and peace and as you draw closer to your Creator you will become more creative.

Monday 10 June 2013

Praise the Lord !










Author Tammy Niemi

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Exhorting, provoking, encouraging each other as we pray, and praise, and seek the King and the Kingdom. This really is the brass tacks of our faith and how we deal with others.

We who call upon Jesus not just as Savior---because He is that to all--even those who don't acknowledge Him--but those of us who have made Him Lord and Master need to knit ourselves together in the spirit, and in unifying friendship--denominations be damned. We won't be judged by doctrines but by our submission to and love of Jesus. Many will say Lord, Lord on that day but HE will say depart I don't know you. It all boils down to love--and was all about love even back in the garden.

I see so many who just "don't-get-it" in the body and have to leave them to the convictions of the Holy Spirit who is our literal life line to our Master and the Father.

I've just lived through far too much and my soul is seasoned from the battles both won and lost. I have been forgiven of much therefore I love much--I chose to get BETTER not bitter. God has finally brought me to a more restful faith--one that does not strive to perfect that which I cannot anyway. HE is the author and perfecter of our faith not ourselves lest we could boast WE have done it.

It is ALL about HIM, For HIM and IN HIM that we live and serve. There is a line in the show Babylon 5 that the Rangers use. They say "WE live for the One, we die for the One." We live for Christ in all that we do and breathe, but we all die to ourselves so THE ONE can eclipse our humanity and be seen as the bright and morning star--the GREAT I AM, and risen Savior.

In Him we live and move and have our being. Some of us have to battle and battle on, others seem to have a life of ease. For people like you and I who struggle and are enduring the trials of Job we are looked upon as being somehow sinful and out of the will of God or else why would we be suffering so---right? Such wrong thinking! God Himself said to satan "Have you considered my servant Job...." We are now a showcase to the truth and reality of Jesus in our lives--blessing and praising when we have every "right" to curse and blame.

Our households are being shaken and purified. We are somehow crazily deemed "worthy" of the trials and to share some of the sufferings of our Lord--a privilege even if it doesn't seem like it at all! Hard times and hardship drives us to God or away from Him. If we are as faithful as we can be our trials are only for a season then follows a season of restoration, and refreshing. We are also not alone---others are enduring the trials of Job and being prepared for the times ahead and perhaps for greatness.

I don't know the how's and whys. I don't understand why my life has been such a hard one but know that God has had His hand on my life even when I had no use for Him. There is just so much I don't know--but I can rest in knowing that God KNOWS, and He understands.

1 Peter 4:12-14
12Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you: 13But rejoice, inasmuch as you are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, you may be glad also with exceeding joy. 14If you be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are you; for the spirit of glory and of God rests on you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified. …

Think of it WE get to share in something of Christ--His sufferings--so HIS Glory is revealed--Yeah baby bring on the revival of the latter rain! Suffer reproach for the name of Christ then we know we are in the right place because the above verse says FOR THE SPIRIT OF GLORY AND OF GOD RESTS ON YOU--CAN I GET AN AMEN!

Trials reveal the truth and truth sets us free to the Glory of God! Trials also bring out the likeness of Christ in us.

James 1:12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

James 1: 2-4 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

James 5:11 As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.
The Lord restored Job and HE will restore us--all we have lost or had taken from us must be repaid in some way. Jeremiah 29:11 HE is our future and hope and refuge those who put their trust in HIM will NOT be ashamed!!!

Glory Hallelujah Amen ---Lord let it be so--Thank you so very much for your grace to get through our own personal hells and our own trials of Job...May our restoration testify of Your glory to our nation! Praise be to God!

Thursday 23 May 2013

 Though we wax nostalgic when looking back over our lives, and those reflections may paint things in rosy hues, softening the memories giving them a "glory days" feel, I feel growing up during the 70's and 80's was a far gentler time on the children and youth of our nations.  There was no cyber-bullying, no sexting, and you never heard of school shootings.  Though suicides happened they did not have the epic proportions to reach our nightly news reports.

Back in those days we spent more time outside than in, riding bikes, playing with the children in our neighborhoods, having snow fun in winter, and well, with only three TV stations you only had the news to watch at 6:00PM so outside was the place to be.  This said children were more fit and healthy and social skills were more natural, not being confined to Facebook and texting...we actually talked to each other, and had more face time.

People just didn't seem as busy then.  I remember my parents having lawn parties where the yard was filled with grown ups around the barbeque and the kids taking over the rest of the yard, my mom stayed home so there were always other moms coming over for coffee, and you guessed it the kids ran out into the yard to play while the moms had coffee and conversation.

The only sport parents ran to get their kids in was hockey, and that was pretty much boys only back then so there wasn't a congestion of after school activities to rush to.  Yes it seems we were more laid back, back in the day.

There was also a place for God to come into our schools back in a time of excess.  Sure we were caught up in disco and the metal and glam bands of the era, sporting bell bottom jeans and the awful polyester, leading to the neon and virtual fashion puking of the 80's where we all dressed like circus clowns with hair bigger than Texas itself, but there was room for "The Spirit in the Sky".

Creationism was allowed air time in classes without ridicule.  This is not the case now.  Evolutionary theory  has become a gospel to those who would much rather teach our children that they are ONLY accidents and are not meant to be here.  They are just part of an evolutionary process from some insignificant beginning.  There is no significance to the core of our lives, we are accidents and for some children their lives were accidents as well confirmed by their parent's confession.  Is it any wonder our children are so moody and suicides are commonplace.

Whether the bully or the victim of bullying, the children involved carry a pain that is expressed both inward and outwardly.  The bully wants significance, to be noticed, to feel important, to feel powerful due to lack of internal power--perhaps they are looking for the purpose of life that evolution has denied them.  The victim bears the pain of, "Why me?"  This why can also lead to insecurity and feeling their life has no purpose other than to be a person socially diseased, someone who does not fit in, someone who doesn't matter.  This can be exacerbated when no one steps in to defend the one being bullied.

Evolution says there is no purpose in life, you just are and no one knows why.

Creationism says that your life was planned and has purpose, and thus gives you dignity.  

Your life is significant, and you matter.  What you do matters to other people, and the fact you exist means the Creator of the universe wanted your life to be, and yes, He does see you!  There is a segment in the Bible that says "what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?" (Psalm 8:4)  Think of this, there is a whole universe, a cosmos that needs to be maintained in order, there are many lives in many wonderous and desperate situations yet one man asks, "What is mankind that you have such focus on them?  What about us is so attractive to you, when we can be so beautiful and brutal to each other?  Why do you even care for us, take time for us?"  Is it not amazing that God Himself focuses His attention upon us because we have significance and importance--we have purpose!!  Not one soul alive is without a purpose, a destiny, a reason to be alive!  

Not all of us achieve the destiny our lives carry, perhaps evolutionary theory has robbed us of this treasure by giving rise to defeat within our souls.  Perhaps we have believed lies that we won't amount to much, or that we were not even meant to be here.  Regardless of what has caused the insecurity or the lack of hope or even the lack of destiny--having a future--there is hope and your life is a wondrous event enfolding before all of creation!  Underdog or top dog we have an impact on the lives around us and that will be our legacy to the world.  

Jeremiah 29: 11-13 says, "11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

You will find your purpose and significance in the One who created you and planned your life from the beginning.  His plans are for your good and to give you a hope and a future--and yes a purpose!  Evolution is still just a theory while your life is a reality.  Seeking God is to seek the original blue print for your life--the one without the scratches and revisions on it that eroded the foundations of self worth and self esteem from your being.  

You are fearfully and wonderfully made and even GOD HIMSELF knit your wee form into shape within your mother's body.  Oh how HE cares, and believe me you are NO accident you were born to be--you--amazing and wonderful, weird and unique! This is a reason to celebrate your life and to thank God for making you so wonderfully YOU!
Psalm 139:14
New International Version (©2011)
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
 New Living Translation (©2007)
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous--how well I know it.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

The Pain the Price the Sacrifice ~Poem by Tammy Niemi

Cowards always run and hide, but the heroes take a stand and look inside.
The truth it hurts while lies conceal, the truth that God would wish to reveal.
Pain is a blessing to show us what is wrong, and out of it comes a thanksgiving praise song.
Pain brings the true person to the surface to be seen by all, but the world medicates it preferring to fall.
The world has spiritual leprosy making them numb and loving complacency.
To be a disciple means to discipline the self, to give to others and increase your heavenly wealth.
To knowingly sin and cause pain in your brother is to indulge in yourself as if there were no other.
Consider the cost to follow the Christ as He was willing to pay the price,
To endure the pain of loss and separation so that we may have eternal life manifestation.
It is a hard and narrow way to follow what the Master's planned but He promised He would be there to hold our hand.
Wrong may seem so right but hold it up to the light to see, the hardest decision to make is the decision to be free!

Tammy Niemi


Welcome to my "snug" may it be a place where you can bring your coffee, your Guinness, your tea, or whatever you fancy drinking.  Join me the Seanachai as I do what the Irish do best--spin yarns, tell tales as it were, go on about everything and nothing.  

What is a snug you ask--and a seanachai well I've never heard that word before!  

Firstly, a snug is a private booth in any well respected pub where intimate small gatherings may take place, or where matters of espionage, and plot may be laid.  

Seanachai is an Irish storyteller and is pronounced "Shawn-Key".  'Tis something almost every Irish person is by sheer Gaeliage genetics, and something everyone else tries to acquire by kissing the Blarney Stone atop the Blarney Castle.

As you can see by the photos above, my snug is a grand size with room for a rather generous party, and the seats are plush and supple leather to make comfortable.  'Tis almost like a wee church you know with all this wondrous etched and stained glass.

If you wish, you may close the wee door as you enter, and shut the merry makers out with their boisterous laughter and shenanigans.  

Before we begin our time together I'll be asking the Publican to draw me another pint of Arthur's best...and Guinness and I shall endeavor to indulge in Ireland's best past time...the talking the tales, and making grand friends.

Welcome to my wee snug, and may it be a place you wish to snuggle in, and let the world fade away into the mists and mirth of the day.