Thursday 15 August 2013


Satan fears our boldness yet God honors it as He honors our faith--so let us then BOLDLY come before the throne of grace and claim the promises of God for our lives! 

God is our preservation and our provision--and when we seek His Heart, we will see with His eyes and catch His Vision! For some their life is recovery, for some their life is healing, but all in all it is HIS WILL HE is revealing! 

Disciples have a destiny and our discipline is a reasonable act of service...HIS Glory should be our story and HIS Grace allows us to see HIS Face--Children of the KING with HIS salvation we bring--The trappings of this world are a trap and status causes us to stagnate. 

Those who walk humbly before their God will be exalted in due time--and the humble may come boldly before their God because of HIS grace....Oh the glory illuminates and new beginnings our God creates! Throw off all that hinders and take of with hinds feet like the graceful gazelle and leap into the arms of the Master--our Savior, savor HIM and HIS Presence--let it transform, restore, heal, and draw you into maturity...The joy of the Lord is your strength and may it explode in your chest like fireworks or a supernova and illuminate your face with the shine and smile of the love of the Father ---may you feel His joy and peace and as you draw closer to your Creator you will become more creative.

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