Saturday 28 July 2018

The Musician and the Deaf Man

The Musician and the Deaf Man
There was once a musician. His music was very heartfelt. When people would hear his music, they became happy and began dancing so intensly, that they almost passed out.
One time, when the musician was playing and the crowd was dancing, a stranger that was deaf walked in. He, sadly, couldn't hear the sweet music. All he saw, was the crowd jumping up and down and he couldn't understand what it was that they were doing. He thought to himself, it must be none other than, these people are insane!
In truth, had he been able to hear the euphonic sound of the music that the musician was generating, he himself would be dancing from its sweetness.
The same thing is with people. Those who hear G-d's voice in everything, are cheered up and happy. But, there are some, that are, unfortunately, deaf, they don't hear and are therefore, sad and sorrowful and even mock those that are happy... (a parable in the name of the Baal Shem Tov)

Friday 15 April 2016

HE IS...BARUCH HASHEM Author: Tammy Niemi Dingman

He is in the multi layered colors of the sunsets and in the song of birds 
He is in the laughter of a baby and in the power of His words. 
He is in the autumn leaves as they twist and dance around your feet, 
and he is in the knots of the tzitzit as He listens to prayers under a Tallit. 
He is in the roar of the waterfalls and in each drop of rain. 
He is within each warming sun ray that warms your window pane.
He is sitting with the homeless on the street and right beside you with every person you are going to meet. 
He is there with the EMT helping him know what to do and He is with the couple who in love says YES I DO! 
He is the greatest father and He is the truest friend. 
He is the beating of a heart and He is the beginning and the end. 
Baruch HaShem!!! 

Monday 7 September 2015


FEW BE THE WARRIORS             By:   Tammy Niemi

Few be the warriors, few be those who stand...few be those who seek HIS face instead of seeking HIS hand. 
Times are filled with peril and times are filled with fear but there is the excitement that HIS return is very near.
Let us draw near to HIS most Holy throne to hear HIS heart and show HIM we are HIS own. 
Let HIM find joy in our being as he speaks to us in whispers of HIS revealing. 
May we be HIS friends in a land of those who curse, and may we see growing tide of evil reverse. 
He is our light in a dark and fearful place, but we shall overcome by HIS blood and glory and grace. 
Holy Spirit seal us till that wonderful and blessed day, when we will finally see our beautiful Savoir Yeshua Yaweh!

Monday 6 July 2015

The Decline and Fall of Us

Our world is spiraling into the abyss--why? The bottom line here is WE THE CHURCH HAVE FAILED BOTH JESUS AND OUR NATIONS--PERIOD! We are only reaping the tolerance and prayerlessness and lukewarmness we have been indulging in for decades--Judgement is upon the church NOW and we need to repent before we call out the LGBT and 16 other genders, Islam, and others who offend God because guess what people, we are far more offensive to God than those who do not know Him. 

We essentially scored the goal on our own net and the church has lost its salt and impact. The evil of our day is a greater threat to us than we are to the evil of our day. Fear is in the enemy's arsenal--and we are told to fear not 365 times in scripture. Faith and Fear are combatants in our lives and thus it is time to choose sides. Fear --bowing to the word of the world-- or Faith --submitting to the word of God. Choose you this day whom you will serve. We know persecution is coming it is Biblical but where is our focus? Who's report will you believe--we will believe the report of the Lord. 

Faith honours God and God honours faith. If we give into fear we make ourselves useless and impotent and thus will kill the hopes of revival--This is a time for us to repent before God--until WE REPENT the world will not repent. 

Revival and the decline of a society starts with the church and this is the hard truth. Obama only has the power God allows him to have and God allows leaders to rise and fall--So the question remains is what is the word on your lips--fear-- or faith which is honouring to God--what is in your heart--looking at the speck in the world's eyes or getting rid of the plank in your own. Let us all be wrecked in intercession and repentance not wrecked by fear! 

For many in the church the vote the Supreme Court made was a kick in the gut, but it is waking up the church. This is a "Dividing Season"--that is what the Lord told me. We see the dividing lines happening now. Who will compromise and who will pursue THE PRIZE? Lord knows I've taken a beating for standing with God and I take every opportunity to plant a seed of the gospel in the hearts that I encounter daily--but still it is not enough. We need to repent for ourselves and stand in the gap like Moses for the church and the nations we live in--the nations are our inheritance if we ask for them--His word says so! Let us come boldly to the Throne of Grace and not leave until we have His Heart and see His Face!

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Betrayal in the Last Days...(A cry for unity)

In recent months I have been saddened and distressed by how many people I know personally who have lost their fire, compromised the word of God, or who have turned on me, who claim to follow Christ. I've been accused of sins I know I have not committed, of "turning Jew", and "taking this end time stuff to seriously". I have been surprised at the amount of venom some Christian friends have spewed at me, when I have tried to find out why they have "cast me out", and others have refused to even acknowledge my attempts to reach out to reconcile.

This began happening not long after I left Bible College but it seems that I have been deemed either too radical or too sinful by people who have not shared a table with me in years. I have never walked out on a friendship nor severed ties with anyone unless they were abusive to me and refused to respect me.
However this is a sign of these end times I "take far too seriously". Betrayal and the love of many growing cold as each man or woman does what is right in their own eyes.

What would cause family members to turn on each other or brothers and sisters in the Faith to abandon or lash out at each other? IT seems unthinkable that such an event would arise where one family member might betray another, but it will happen – the Bible tells us so. But even in the Church there is going to be great treachery against one another. This is exactly the opposite of what the Lord prayed for us before He left this earth. Jesus prayed in John 17:21 “I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one…”

I have often told people that this final prayer of Jesus before He went to the Cross was His "Last Will and Testament" to His church and we have had gross negligence in not fulfilling His wishes. Denominations divide us, we have many who have a form of Godliness but deny the power of the Holy Spirit within their lives, and the truth has become offensive in this "seeker friendly" age.

It is because we are not in unity and because we deny the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit that evil and darkness is running amok, we have lost the desire and fire for holiness and deep relationship with Christ. However there is hope.

I know I speak to people here who know what it is like to travail in prayer, who know the same rejection and betrayal I have experienced, and I know there are those here who hear the Shofar blast waking the Body from slumber--this is a group with their lamps fully stocked with Oil and we are making ready for the Bridegroom. We raise the standard while the world lowers theirs and the truth has set us free. We are the intercessors, the prophets and the warriors with a mandate to serve our King and to embrace Him as our friend. We are the remnant who will stand even if our legs shake and speak truth even if our voices break.
May I encourage anyone here who has felt betrayed or hurt by family or church family to stay the course and know you are not alone. This is a dividing season where the set apart will be set up for breakthrough and an outpouring of the Spirit. Pray for those who are blind that they may see and those who refuse to hear the truth may God open their ears.

The darkness may be great but our God is greater and He will not be denied.

Covered with His blood and baptized with water and sealed with His love, every son and every daughter. We march on bended knee and pride lays prostrate as we intercede and attack hell's very gate. We are the redeemed and ransomed of the Lamb and in His Spirit united we will stand.