Saturday 28 July 2018

The Musician and the Deaf Man

The Musician and the Deaf Man
There was once a musician. His music was very heartfelt. When people would hear his music, they became happy and began dancing so intensly, that they almost passed out.
One time, when the musician was playing and the crowd was dancing, a stranger that was deaf walked in. He, sadly, couldn't hear the sweet music. All he saw, was the crowd jumping up and down and he couldn't understand what it was that they were doing. He thought to himself, it must be none other than, these people are insane!
In truth, had he been able to hear the euphonic sound of the music that the musician was generating, he himself would be dancing from its sweetness.
The same thing is with people. Those who hear G-d's voice in everything, are cheered up and happy. But, there are some, that are, unfortunately, deaf, they don't hear and are therefore, sad and sorrowful and even mock those that are happy... (a parable in the name of the Baal Shem Tov)

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